204 lines
4.4 KiB
204 lines
4.4 KiB
import logging
from asyncio import TimeoutError
from itertools import chain
import re2 as re
from disnake import ChannelType
log = logging.getLogger("nomen.utils")
ALPHABET = list("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ")
# common words
# pronouns
"a" * 100,
TESTS = list(
ALPHABET, # single letters
regex_cache = {}
def compile_keyword(keyword, regex):
if reg := regex_cache.get((keyword, regex), None):
return reg
if not regex:
keyword = re.escape(keyword)
reg = re.compile(rf"(?i)\b{keyword}\b")
regex_cache[(keyword, regex)] = reg
return reg
def contains(string, keyword, regex):
return compile_keyword(keyword, regex).search(string) is not None
def test_keyword(keyword, regex):
reg = compile_keyword(keyword, regex)
return any(map(lambda x: reg.search(x) is not None, TESTS))
def first(tpl):
return tpl[0]
def unpack(lst_of_tpl):
"""Takes a list of tuples and maps to a list of their first elements"""
return list(map(first, lst_of_tpl))
async def fetch_unpacked(db, sql, params=None):
cur = await db.cursor()
cur.row_factory = lambda cursor, row: first(row)
cur = await cur.execute(sql, params)
return await cur.fetchall()
async def fetch_exists(db, sql, params=None):
result = await db.execute_fetchall(f"SELECT EXISTS({sql})", params)
return result[0][0]
async def in_thread(member, thread):
# FIXME: Currently overlooks the situation where a moderator isn't in a thread but has manage threads
return any(member.id == thread_member.id for thread_member in await thread.fetch_members())
async def can_view(ctx, member) -> bool:
if ctx.channel.type == ChannelType.private_thread and not in_thread(member, ctx.channel):
return False
return ctx.channel.permissions_for(member).view_channel
# ===== Borrowed from https://github.com/avrae/avrae, GPLv3 licensed =====
def list_get(index, default, l):
return l[index]
except IndexError:
return default
def get_positivity(string):
if isinstance(string, bool): # oi!
return string
lowered = string.lower()
if lowered in ("yes", "y", "true", "t", "1", "enable", "on"):
return True
elif lowered in ("no", "n", "false", "f", "0", "disable", "off"):
return False
return None
def auth_and_chan(ctx):
def check(message):
return message.author == ctx.author and message.channel == ctx.channel
return check
async def confirm(ctx, message, delete_msgs=False, response_check=get_positivity):
Confirms whether a user wants to take an action.
:rtype: bool|None
:param ctx: The current Context.
:param message: The message for the user to confirm.
:param delete_msgs: Whether to delete the messages.
:param response_check: A function (str) -> bool that returns whether a given reply is a valid response.
:type response_check: (str) -> bool
:return: Whether the user confirmed or not. None if no reply was recieved
msg = await ctx.channel.send(message)
reply = await ctx.bot.wait_for("message", timeout=30, check=auth_and_chan(ctx))
except TimeoutError:
return None
reply_bool = response_check(reply.content) if reply is not None else None
if delete_msgs:
await msg.delete()
await reply.delete()
return reply_bool
def cleanup_code(content):
"""Automatically removes code blocks from the code."""
# remove ```py\n```
if content.startswith("```") and content.endswith("```"):
return "\n".join(content.split("\n")[1:-1])
# remove `foo`
return content.strip("` \n")
# ===== End code borrowed from Avrae =====